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Villa Tzikides Aegina

Insula Aegina, Grecia

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Descrierea Hotelului

Escape to five-star island paradise where a stunning Villa serenely awaits you. Villa Tzikides Aegina is an exclusive residence guaranteed to offer you a first-rate holiday experience. Blissful escapism just an hour’s ferry ride from Athens.  Overlooking the tranquil Saronic Gulf waters, this stone-clad luxury home is set in a spacious private estate and fits in harmoniously with its surrounding natural habitat. It comprises of a main two-story villa, two smaller bungalow-style guest houses, and the ‘taverna’ (a communal space boasting a professional kitchen.) The estate is beautifully kept and offers a supremely relaxing environment. This is the hideaway you have been looking for - its indoor and outdoor amenities inspire thoughts of “I am NOT leaving this place.” From the pool, jacuzzi and sun beds, to the play room and the kitchen fit for a professional chef, all ages and all personality-types will be kept perfectly entertained. Dreamy panoramic sea views complete this Greek island haven. The 550 m2 of living space begins in the main house. With its natural stone façade, this two-level beauty features three bedrooms (two have double beds and one has two twin beds) with one ensuite bathroom. Furnished with elegant minimalism, all three bedrooms are on the first floor and boast premium quality mattresses, linen, and pillows. Ample closet space, private balconies and even a ‘beauty salon’ corner in the twin bedroom, make up the most calming space in the house. On the same floor as the bedrooms there is one more spacious bathroom - plentifully stocked with high-end toiletries. Moving up to the main living area (2nd floor) your biggest problem will be choosing which spot to marvel the stunning panoramic views from - floor to ceiling glass windows will do that to you. This light-filled space includes all the comforts of a living area, a fully-equipped kitchen, and even a bar. Walk out onto the impressive balcony where you will spend dreamy days gazing at the sea and sunset themed dinners with up to 14 of your favorite people. A cozy fireplace completes this first-floor level (Aegina Island is also a very popular winter destination.) Taking you down to the most fun part of the house; the game-filled basement – A.K.A. The Playroom. No shortage of fun times down here – mini pool table, ping pong table, board game table, and T.V. for video games. Just a few short steps away from the main house, you will find the two, very welcoming, guest houses. Comfortable interiors balance rustic naturalism with high-end amenities. One of the homes features two bedrooms (both with comfy high-end mattresses and linen), a living/dining/kitchen area, a fireplace, and one bathroom. It also boasts an alfresco dining area perfect for six lucky souls who get to dine beneath the stars. The second home is ideal for a family with young children; the kids’ room, with its bunk beds, is a hit with the youngsters. The second bedroom includes its own bathroom. Strategically positioned between the main house and the two guest homes is the ‘Taverna.’ This is where you will all gather to ‘break the bread.’ This is where the ‘Master Chef’ of the clan will whip up his/her specialties – for it really would be a shame not to put the taverna’s glam, professional kitchen to good use. Another good reason to gather here is the swimming pool (includes kids’ pool and jacuzzi). An even better reason is the spectacular sea view. And the cherry on top? Cocktails, sunbeds, and sunsets. Villa Tzikides Aegina is located in the Tzikides area on the Island of Aegina (a below the radar Island that is home to some of the best pistachios in the world.) After you have topped off your relaxation reserves and absorbed as much as you can of the residence’s tranquility, you might want to wander further afield. Your location is ideal for trips to the main town (Aegina) and/or the nearby picturesque fishing village of Perdika. The island is also the home of an ancient wonder standing gloriously ‘above’ the island – The Temple of Aphaia (c. 500 BC). Lastly, a trip to the gorgeous little islet of Moni (a 10’ boat ride from Perdika) is kind of mandatory – after all, you will be staring out at it every day from your residence. All in all, this superb residence embodies the essence of luxurious Greek Island living and is ideal for a large, extended family getaway or for a group of friends who want the best of both worlds – togetherness with a touch of privacy.

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