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Wot Ericeira Lodge

Ericeira, Portugalia

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Cauta vacanta dorita

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Descrierea Hotelului

This renovated building from the 50s offers you the authentic local experience and makes for the perfect conditions for a comfortable and soothing stay. Whilst here you can try a surf lesson with your family or friends, or if you are an advanced surfer, you can take the opportunity to perfect your techniques with true surfing professionals and world champions. We also offer bicycle rental, perfect for touring the village and beaches. If you feel like relaxing and catching some waves, do not look any further, WOT Ericeira Lodge is ready to welcome you all year round. . Our lodge is located at the heart of Ericeira with a fortunate view over the village and ocean, and just a 2 minute walk from one of the best beaches in Portugal, bars, restaurants and stores. Whether you are a family or a small group, this unit will be perfect for you. Providing the perfect base for you to recharge and explore this wonderful Portuguese city. We also recommend visiting the nearby Sintra and woods of Mafra on cloudy days. . The rooms are all wisely decorated so that you can relax after a full day at the beach, with almost all rooms having a private bathroom. You will find the kitchen fully equipped, ideal for preparing the typical seafood dishes of the area. Whilst here you can try a surf lesson with your family or friends, or if you are an advanced surfer, you can take the opportunity to perfect your techniques with true surfing professionals and world champions. We also offer bicycle rental, perfect for touring the village and beaches. If you feel like relaxing and catching some waves, do not look any further, WOT Ericeira Lodge is ready to welcome you all year round. ROOM S - shared bathroom Most economical option but with all the benefits. Our double room with and shared bathroom, includes towels and amenities, natural light with curtains to ensure all privacy. It also has access to the common areas of the Guest house, such as a fully equipped kitchen, dining/living room, viewpoint with sea view, outdoor terrace. The bathroom, with bath and shower option, is shared with the remaining 2 rooms on the floor. ROOM S w/ BALCONY - shared bathroom Wake up and enjoy Ericeiras light on your private balcony while overlooking one of the citys main street. The fantastic balcony provides a private outdoor area, ideal for relaxing, soaking up the sun or reading a book at the end of the day. The double bedroom also includes towels and amenities, and access to the common areas of the Guest house, such as a fully equipped kitchen, dining/living room, viewpoint with sea view, outdoor terrace. The bathroom, with bath and shower, is shared with the remaining 2 rooms on the floor. ROOM S ENSUITE This is the room with greater comfort and privacy. Perfect for a getaway or vacation for two. This double room includes towels and amenities and all the comfort of a private bathroom. With plenty of natural light and curtains to ensure the necessary privacy, you also have access to the common areas of the Guest house, such as a fully equipped kitchen, dining/living room, viewpoint with sea view, outdoor terrace. ROOM M - shared bathroom The units most spacious bedroom, with plenty of natural light, double bed and a living area with sofa and space for an additional bed. It also includes towels and amenities, access to the common areas of the Guest house, such as a fully equipped kitchen, dining/living room, viewpoint with sea view, outdoor terrace. The bathroom, with bath and shower, is shared with the remaining 2 rooms on the floor. FAMILY ROOM w/BALCONY Perfect option for your family or a small group of friends. Stay with us in this charming family room (consisting of 2 separate bedrooms) with private bathroom and a terrace to enjoy the last minutes of the day. Includes towels and amenities, with natural light and curtains to ensure the necessary privacy. It also has access to the common areas of the Guest house as a fully equipped kitchen, dining/living room, viewpoint with sea view, outdoor terrace.

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