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Descrierea Hotelului

Agora Residence is located at the heart of Chios town, in the most commercial street, called Aplotaria Str. The renovated 18th-century mansion which houses Agora Residence dates back to 1890. It was the private residence of the Pissi family, well known Chian merchandisers, trading and exporting Citrus fruits, mainly mandarins and tangerines, to Europe and especially to Russia. During the renovation works, we tried to be loyal to the original architecture by enhancing the beauty of the originally painted high-ceilings, with the comfort of the 21st amenities and some modern details. Each of the 9 rooms has its own character and charm. Some of them even combine authentic family vintage furniture with new stylish pieces. All rooms have a contemporary and elegant design with warm and relaxing colours. The natural light of most of our rooms, due to our large windows, allows you to enjoy every moment in town, either you are here for a relaxing vacation or for business. All the essential amenities, such as free Wifi, Flat TV with Netflix, safe-box, ensuite bathrooms with bath amenities and anatomical mattresses, will make your stay as comfortable as possible. In the back-yard of Agora Residence, you may find our Garden Café that gives you an oasis right at the city centre, and a unique ‘’all day lounge experience’’ in the heart of Chios town. We serve coffee, refreshments and light snacks in a quiet and easy atmosphere. The location of Agora Residence is very convenient, as it is located in the city centre, on Aplotaria Street, near the main market of Chios. All city attractions, such as Chios Castle, the Archeological Museum, Chios Port are walking distance from Agora Residence. The airport is just 4 km away, 15 minutes by car, and the port is 600 meters by foot. The closest beach, Bella Vista, can also be accessed easily as it is 1km from Agora Residence.

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Azi 10 03 2024 am fost intr o excursie de 1 zi minunată, multumesc atât șoferului cât și ghidului ptr faptul că ne au facut ziua frumoasă

Constantin Marinita, 10.03.2024 Citeste mai mult

Nu am calatorit cu d-vs, dar mi-as dori!

Labont Eugenia, 12.02.2024 Citeste mai mult

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