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Bay Bees Sea View Suites & Homes

Mykonos, Grecia

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Important! Anumite unitati de cazare au un minim de sedere intre 2-7 nopti.
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Descrierea Hotelului

Welcome to Bay Bees Sea View Suites & Homes! Nested at the edge of a rocky hill slope, overlooking the bay of Platis Yalos and the Aegean sea and only a few steps (80m) from the reknowned sandy beach, we have chosen the perfect location for you to relax and enjoy the beautiful surroundings and have a taste of Cycladic hospitality at its best! Bay Bees is a complex of holiday homes, each with separate entrance, tastefully decorated, fully equipped, featuring a homey kitchen with utensils and anything you may need that will make you feel like visiting your home in the island. The majority of the houses come with a private terrace with stunning views of the sea and they are all well furnished and equipped offering comfort and relaxation. Our well maintained garden is our priceless gem, one of the few and oldest in the island which makes the walk around the houses a true experience. The whole property is built in respect to the local architecture and in harmony with the surrounding environment, as rock and wood combine in the most fascinating way that Mykonian tradition invented. The houses are extremely well equipped and are a unique haven for travellers in search of the uncomparable warmth of a coffee or tea and a lazy breakfast at home, gazing at the Aegean sea, or the peace of enjoying a glass of wine with friends in your terrace under the magnificent reflections of the setting sun behind the hills and the lights of the Bay at night. There is parking space for a car for each house. Maid service is daily and beach towels are also provided. Ideal for groups of friends and families in search of relaxation away from the hussle, yet just a few steps from a dream sandy beach, and close to all the major attractions, the Bay Bees Sea View Suites and Homes is here to become your home in Mykonos!

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