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Descrierea Hotelului

If you’re looking for a place to stay in London, the Best Western Swiss Cottage Hotel offers the best of both worlds. In a pleasant residential area near Regents Park, you’ll enjoy peace and quiet during your stay. Yet with London’s countless attractions just a few minutes away, the sights and sounds of the capital are never far away. This elegant Victorian townhouse is full of character and fascinating objets d’art, which add a unique charm to the hotel – including a grand piano, oil paintings and antique furniture. You can be sure your stay here will be memorable for all the right reasons. Our hotel is right next to Swiss Cottage tube station and just a few minutes from the West End by tube or bus. The Jubilee line links us directly to Lordapos;s cricket ground, Madam Tussauds, Oxford Street, Big Ben, Wembley arena and many other attractions - so youapos;ll spend more time deciding where to go than you will getting there. There are lots of convenient bars, bistros and brasseries around the hotel and for these reasons we have no restaurant for lunch or dinner. Instead, we provide a pleasant breakfast room that serves a range of cooked and continental items to give you the energy boost you need for a day of sightseeing. If you’re looking for a place to stay in London, the Best Western Swiss Cottage Hotel offers the best of both worlds. In a pleasant residential area near Regents Park, you’ll enjoy peace and quiet during your stay. Yet with London’s countless attractions just a few minutes away, the sights and sounds of the capital are never far away. This elegant Victorian townhouse is full of character and fascinating objets d’art, which add a unique charm to the hotel – including a grand piano, oil paintings and antique furniture. You can be sure your stay here will be memorable for all the right reasons. Our hotel is right next to Swiss Cottage tube station and just a few minutes from the West End by tube or bus. The Jubilee line links us directly to Lordapos;s cricket ground, Madam Tussauds, Oxford Street, Big Ben, Wembley arena and many other attractions - so youapos;ll spend more time deciding where to go than you will getting there. There are lots of convenient bars, bistros and brasseries around the hotel and for these reasons we have no restaurant for lunch or dinner. Instead, we provide a pleasant breakfast room that serves a range of cooked and continental items to give you the energy boost you need for a day of sightseeing.

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