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Descrierea Hotelului

The following services and amenities are available, but with **reduced service**: Business Center, Concierge, Fitness Center, Breakfast, On-site Restaurant(s), Room Service.The following services and amenities are currently **not available**: Airport Shuttle, Pool.Superbly located the London Hyde Park hotel is opposite Hyde Park and Kensington Gardens and just 400 meters from either Queensway or Bayswater Underground stations. For great shopping we are just 3 stops from Oxford street or the renowned Westfield shopping centre, Europeapos;s largest in-city shopping centre. With Kings Cross St Pancreas only a 12 minute taxi ride away, weapos;re perfectly situated for guests travelling on the Eurostar and only one stop from Paddington where it has the superb Heathrow express train providing quick access to Londonapos;s premier airport. Spacious guest rooms boast a long list of guest amenities, generous work surface, flat screen TV and high-speed internet access (chargeable). For your convenience, complimentary wireless internet is available in public areas on the ground floor. The hotel has a superb restaurant where we serve breakfast, lunch and dinner with a range of seasonal dishes for you to enjoy. On a lovely summer evening there is nothing better than eating Al Fresco on our extensive patio area and enjoying the sights and sounds of Hyde Park and Notting Hill. The bar is available 24 hours so after that trip to the theatre there is always time for a nightcap before you retire at the end of a perfect day. Complementary Wireless internet access is available in both bar and restaurant so whether at work or play you are easily in contact with those you need to be. Alternatively put your feet up and let dinner come to you with 24 hour room service. The London Hyde Park hotel has 5 modern purpose-built meeting rooms, which have capacities from 12 to 100 people, all with natural daylight and free WiFi access.The following services and amenities are available, but with **reduced service**: Business Center, Concierge, Fitness Center, Breakfast, On-site Restaurant(s), Room Service.The following services and amenities are currently **not available**: Airport Shuttle, Pool.Superbly located the London Hyde Park hotel is opposite Hyde Park and Kensington Gardens and just 400 meters from either Queensway or Bayswater Underground stations. For great shopping we are just 3 stops from Oxford street or the renowned Westfield shopping centre, Europeapos;s largest in-city shopping centre. With Kings Cross St Pancreas only a 12 minute taxi ride away, weapos;re perfectly situated for guests travelling on the Eurostar and only one stop from Paddington where it has the superb Heathrow express train providing quick access to Londonapos;s premier airport. Spacious guest rooms boast a long list of guest amenities, generous work surface, flat screen TV and high-speed internet access (chargeable). For your convenience, complimentary wireless internet is available in public areas on the ground floor. The hotel has a superb restaurant where we serve breakfast, lunch and dinner with a range of seasonal dishes for you to enjoy. On a lovely summer evening there is nothing better than eating Al Fresco on our extensive patio area and enjoying the sights and sounds of Hyde Park and Notting Hill. The bar is available 24 hours so after that trip to the theatre there is always time for a nightcap before you retire at the end of a perfect day. Complementary Wireless internet access is available in both bar and restaurant so whether at work or play you are easily in contact with those you need to be. Alternatively put your feet up and let dinner come to you with 24 hour room service. The London Hyde Park hotel has 5 modern purpose-built meeting rooms, which have capacities from 12 to 100 people, all with natural daylight and free WiFi access.

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Daca este cazul, evaluarile oficiale sunt date de catre autoritatile din fiecare tara si au tendinta de a da o clasificare corecta bazata pe standardele relative din tara respectiva.


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