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Ergon House Athens

Plaka, Creta-Heraklion, Grecia

  • 4

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Important! Anumite unitati de cazare au un minim de sedere intre 2-7 nopti.
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Descrierea Hotelului

ERGON HOUSE – a new way of living  Situated at the foot of the Acropolis in the historical heart of Athens, Ergon House is a seventh heaven for food enthusiasts, complete with ‘rooms above the inn’.We’ve conceived a spectacular marketplace, a modern-day agora with a constellation of greengrocers, a butcher’s, fishmonger’s and bakery, a delicatessen and roastery, along with a bar and restaurant which celebrate the best of Greek cuisine culture. And we have expanded on the unique experience of an epicurean boutique hotel by creating cool common ground in which to cook and lounge, a gym for good conscience, as well as a roof terrace planted with olive trees that has unbeatable views of the city.  Bringing people together over simple pleasures under the Ergon name since 2011, we’ve curated a community of artisans by selecting the finest products from our native soil, supporting small producers and time-honoured traditions. We’ve designed beautiful spaces across the world in which to share our passion for Greek cuisine and inspired an international following. As true believers in the positive power of food to transform moments and moods, we’re now doing away with the boundaries between a great meal and sweet dreams. It’s a bit like a night in the museum. ACCOMMODATION Completing this holistic hospitality experience built on the foundations of Greek Food, Ergon House offers contemporary living spaces spread over the four floors above the marketplace. All roomsinclude our signature breakfast and come in four sizes, with privileged access to communal kitchens and lounges, a gym and panoramic rooftop terrace. The spaces are a collaboration with leading local designers and artists - the tribute to Greece ever-present in natural materials, traditional craft and references to the vernacular, paired with a strong contemporary line. Large, double-glazed windows invite all the spectacle and none of the soundtrack to views of the Parthenon and city, or the buzz of the Agora. Seamless service is a given and we’ve done away with in-room dining because the whole Ergon House experience places food centre stage. So, while the curated minibar delicatessen should tide you over, the Agoraawaits with some of best food in town, or fresh market ingredients with which to make your own magic in one of the dedicated kitchens. 

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