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Labranda Suites Costa Adeje

Costa Adeje, Tenerife, Spania

  • 4

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Descrierea Hotelului

LABRANDA Suites Costa Adeje is located in a coastal area that bears the same name and is one of the main tourist spots on the island of Tenerife, next to Playa de Las Américas-Los Cristianos and Puerto de la Cruz in the Spanish Canary Islands.LABRANDA Suites Costa Adeje is located in a coastal area that bears the same name and is one of the main tourist spots on the island of Tenerife, next to Playa de Las Américas-Los Cristianos and Puerto de la Cruz in the Spanish Canary Islands. Very close to the hotel is the Blue Flag beach of Playa Fañabé. The hotel is also near several shops and restaurants for you to explore. LABRANDA Suites Costa Adeje is made up 436 rooms distributed in two areas. Each has been designed for a specific type of traveler. Therefore, guests with families have their section and adult only type travelers have their own. The space for families has facilities that entertain both adults and children. Amenities for children include a play area, splash park, pool and various sports areas. The hotel also has a stage where family and kid friendly entertainment can be enjoyed. This portion of the hotel is also home to the Meepo Club, Kids Teens Club and includes arcade room. The area for families includes a rooftop terrace. This is a place where parents and children can enjoy a wonderful solarium experience with privileged views of the Atlantic Ocean, and refreshing drinks from the Lounge Bar. The adults only section seeks to provide this distinct group of guests with a truly relaxed vacation. Amongst the unique facilities in this section is a well-structured outdoor space with Balinese beds, a solarium and pool. This section also offers a more refined food beverage proposition to suit this consumer segment. The adults-only roof-top area provides guests with an exclusive space that includes showers and a bar service from where they can enjoy magnificent sunsets. Regardless of what area you are staying in, LABRANDA Suites Costa Adeje offers an attractive design concept that provides all guests with bright indoor and outdoor common areas. There are also green spaces within the hotel grounds and the hotel is equipped with sustainable technologies that allow it to operate with the utmost respect to its natural surroundings. LABRANDA Costa Adeje also offers fitness and wellness facilities. Its fitness center is state-of-theart and has views of the garden. In addition to the workout facilities, it also offers booths where guests can receive massages and body treatments.

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Costa Adeje, Tenerife, Spania

  • 5
  • 4
  • 5 Nopti / Bed&Breakfast / Transport individual
  • tarif cu taxe , valabil pentru plecarea 08.11.2024

de la 898 €/pers.

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