Barcelona, Spania
- 3
Cauta vacanta dorita
Alege vacanta dorita completand campurile de mai jos
Descrierea Hotelului
These apartments are the perfect choice for all visitors of Barcelona that prefer a highly independent and relaxing break in the city and dont enjoy the rigidness of the standard hotels. Housed in a modernist building that is within a walking distance of the famous Paseo de Gracia and perfectly connected to the rest of the city through the Tetuan metro line (#2) that is just opposite of it. The famous Ramblas and the beaches can be reached for only 10 minutes by public transport and the bus station that gives easy access to the rest of the country is approximately 10 minutes walk away. The spacious accommodations can house up to 7 guests and are furnished with all of the necessary equipment required for self-catering. The living room has a double sofa bed and the apartments are fully equipped with bed linens, duvets and towels for every guest. MHAPTDatorita dinamicitatii domeniului disponibilitatea ofertelor se modifica de la un moment la altul. De aceea ofertele sunt valabile in limita locurilor disponibile. Agentia nu este responsabila pentru eventualele neconcordante care pot aparea intre informatiile privind tarifele si alte detalii din site si informatiile primite in agentie. In aceste cazuri vor avea prioritate, intotdeauna, informatiile primite in agentie.
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