Mount Athos Resort
Halkidiki, Halkidiki, Grecia
- 5
Cauta vacanta dorita
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Descrierea Hotelului
Mount Athos Resort is a new luxury 5-star resort, located at the end of the town of Ierissos, on the third peninsula of Halkidiki next to its harbour, 10 kilometres away from the border of Mount Athos (The Autonomous Monastic State of the Holy Mountain), one of the most sacred places for Orthodox Christianity and 20 kilometres away from the town of Stagira â the birthplace of Aristoteles.Hotel InformationThe accommodation is separated in two different locations â in the main building or in suites around it. In the main building is situated the Reception and Concierge Desk, Lobby Bar, The Restaurant with Kidsâ Corner and Boutique. On the outside, facing the harbour and the swimming pools is situated The Tavern with a stage for live music and performances. There are two infinity swimming pools, one of them for children. There is direct access to the beach and the sea through stairs. Next to the swimming pools is the Beach amp; Pool Bar and the Fusion Restaurant. Mini Market and Beauty Salone are located near the bungalows. Entertainment and Sports Area for the kids.Datorita dinamicitatii domeniului disponibilitatea ofertelor se modifica de la un moment la altul. De aceea ofertele sunt valabile in limita locurilor disponibile. Agentia nu este responsabila pentru eventualele neconcordante care pot aparea intre informatiile privind tarifele si alte detalii din site si informatiile primite in agentie. In aceste cazuri vor avea prioritate, intotdeauna, informatiile primite in agentie.
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