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Pestana Alvor Praia Beach Golf Hotel

Portimao, Portugalia

  • 5

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Descrierea Hotelului

Pestana Alvor Praia is at the top of the list when it comes to hotels in Algarve, for its quality, refinement and comfort, unique both at national and international level.The Pestana Alvor Praia is a 5-star hotel in Alvor, Algarve. Located on Praia dos Tr#234;s Irm#227;os, one of Algarve#39;s best beaches, complete with white sands and tranquil, crystal-clear waters. It#39;s surrounded by expansive gardens, an outdoor swimming pool and an elevator for direct beach access. If you wish to relax, visit the indoor swimming pool with plenty of natural light, the Spa where you can schedule a Magic Spa massage or beauty treatment, the Turkish bath or the gym with the latest equipment. If you wish to enjoy your meals with your family or have a cocktail, the Pestana Alvor Praia offers 2 restaurants and 2 bars. You can even make use of one of the tennis courts or golf courses only 15 km away. The little ones can enjoy mini golf, the playground and Kids Club (available from June until September). All rooms have Wi-Fi and air conditioning. The Pestana Alvor Praia#39;s rooms feature sea and beach sand tones and classic decor. With the utmost comfort and serenity, they offer you the best views of the entire Alvor beach, each equipped with a balcony, the majority with sea views, except for those with garden views. The Almofariz (buffet) and SUL #8211; Southern Flavours (#224; la carte) restaurants will transform your meals into memorable moments. You can also enjoy a cocktail or snack at the Ocean Bar or at the Bar D. Henrique. During your stay, you can relax at the outdoor swimming pool, the indoor swimming pool or the jacuzzi, or take advantage of the sauna, Turkish bath and gym. You can also opt for a Magic Spa treatment featuring Magic Potion products. If you#39;d like to play a round of golf you can choose from one of five courses: the Gramacho Pestana Golf Resort, Vale da Pinta Pestana Golf Resort, Silves Golf Pestana Golf Resort, Vila Sol Golf Resort or Alto Golf Pestana Golf Resort, all complete with 18 holes. The Pestana Alvor Praia also has a 24-hour reception. Alvor is a traditional fishing village, with a lively nightlife area and amazing mix of locals and tourists. It#39;s completely safe to visit on foot and is close enough for you to simply take a stroll and discover the village. With its prime location, the hotel rests right above the beach and is located 1 km from the picturesque Vila do Alvor and its numerous shops and entertainment spots, only 5 km from Portim#227;o and 74 km from Faro International Airport. The Pestana Alvor Praia is a Premium Beach amp; Golf Resort with 6 floors and 202 rooms, including 18 Suites.

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