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Stoes Traditional Suites Chios

Insula Chios, Grecia

  • 3

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Descrierea Hotelului

The traditional apartment-hotel   “STOES TRADITIONAL SUITES” welcomes you to the medieval castle-village Mesta, one of the most popular travel destinations in Greece. Mesta, one of the well-known Mastic-Villages (“Mastichochoria”), lies in the south of the island Chios approximately 30 km from the capital, the port and the airport of Chios and only 4km from the “Harbour of Mesta” ( “Limenas Meston”), which is the seaport of the village. Restored in August 2018, under the supervision of the3rd Ephorate of Byzantine Antiquities, all the apartments of the hotel are spacious, self-contained residences in designated traditional buildings and are to be found within the original settlement, combining tradition with the comforts of a modern pleasant sojourn. In the facilities offered by the hotel you will find among other : free reliable wi-fi  internet, modern Samsung  tv sets, air-conditioning in all rooms, electronic safes, fully equipped bathrooms with hair-dryers, bathroom-scales, bathrobes, slippers, beach-towels, magnifying mirror, kitchen or kitchenette, refrigerator, kitchen-utensils, toaster, coffee-maker, electric kettle, juicer, iron and ironing board and everything you need to make your stay in our hotel comfortable. In this rare unique traditional settlement from the Byzantine era, which has been kept unharmed up to this day, your daily sojourn and roaming in the dome-shaped alleys is nothing less than a magical journey in time. From here visit, also, the most important points of interest and landmarks on the island, all within a few kilometer-distance, like : the Chios Mastic Museum, the unique Cave of Olympoi, the pre-historic archaeological site of Emporio, the 11th century Nea Moni Monastery (UNESCO World Cultural Heritage Monument), the martyrdom-village of Anavatos, the remaining Mastic-Villages etc. Live the experience of each separate season. Follow the cultivation and crop-picking of olive-trees, mastic-trees, vine-trees, the distillation of the local liquor called “souma”, the local fishermen’s contest, the customs and traditions of the round the year-village life. Swim in more than 10 sparkling virgin beaches, all lying just 5km on the periphery of the village. Walk on over 50 officially designated walking trails of the island. We welcome you to a magical, alternative holiday, which will inspire and fascinate you!

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