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Descrierea Hotelului

Virginia Hotel is located in Samos town on the idyllic Aegean island of Samos. It is a three star family run hotel that offers you a perfect base to explore our beautiful island. Newly renovated, Virginia Hotel offers you all the modern amenities you would expect from a three star hotel and even more, without losing the warmth and hospitality of a family run establishment. We have standard rooms, rooms with panoramic sea views, studios with kitchenette and double rooms with connecting doors for families. All bathrooms have been charmingly renovated in different refreshing styles. Rooms have also been renovated in various different contemporary styles - each room has two single beds or a matrimonial one, top quality mattresses by Dunlopillo, a balcony or terrace with view towards the sea, garden, mountain or a neighbourhood street view, soundproof windows, en suite bathroom with shower or bath-tab, hair dryer, bathroom amenities, air conditioning, telephone, flat screen TV, refrigerator. Whether you need to relax after a hard day’s work on the beach or need to unwind after a long hike in the mountains, our bar and veranda is the perfect location. Pick an intimate corner if you want to be alone, or sit at the bar to taste our amazing Samos Mojito cocktail and also join in with the local banter. Our bar is a meeting place, for stories to be told and glasses to be raised. Relax in our lounge area, watch some cable TV on our 48 inch plasma television screen or read a book from our well set up library. There is free wi-fi in all areas of the hotel to check up on your emails or surf the web. Feeling peckish? Dont worry we have a good selection of bar snacks and Greek appetizers that will keep you going until its time for you to enjoy our exceptional Greek homemade traditional cuisine dinner. With panoramic views of the bay of Samos Town, our roof top eco-pool terrace is a perfect place to unwind. Visit the pool area at least one evening of your holiday to see the breathtaking sunset over the bay. The pool is a perfect place to relax your tired muscles after a hard days hiking in the surrounding hills. If you need a wake-up call, taxi transfer, or just advice on where to go, our reception is always there to help you. We know the known and the not so well known parts of the island that you can visit. If you havent already done so, we can help arrange a rental car for you so as you can explore our beautiful island. Our courtyard is a perfect spot for an alfresco breakfast or reading your paper over a mid-morning coffee. Don’t worry if you hear a noise coming from the garden, more than likely it will be coming from our family of tortoises! Were here to make your stay with us a memorable one.  

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