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Wot Ericeira

Ericeira, Portugalia

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Cauta vacanta dorita

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In cazul in care cautarea dvs. nu a generat rezultate va rugam sa o refaceti pe un numar mai mare de nopti.
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Descrierea Hotelului

This renovated building from the 50s offers you the authentic local experience and makes for the perfect conditions for a comfortable and soothing stay. The rooms are all wisely decorated so that you can relax after a full day at the beach, with almost all rooms having a private bathroom. You will find the kitchen fully equipped, ideal for preparing the typical seafood dishes of the area. Located in the surfing paradise, in Ericeira, WOT Ericeira is a hotel right in the center of the village, with privileged views of Pescadores beach. All rooms were designed for the comfort of customers, have wooden furniture, desk, central heating and a mini-fridge and private bathroom. You can also enjoy flat-screen and satellite TV in the rooms. . A few minutes from the best restaurants in Ericeira, a two-minute walk from the beach and, if you feel like going for a walk, we recommend the unmissable National Palace of Mafra, 11 km away by car. The room rate includes a varied continental breakfast served in the dining room. Throughout the Hotel you will find free and fast Wi-Fi, a fitness room and our lounge area with sofas and natural lighting. . Single In this room suitable for a solo stay, you will find a semi-double bed, your own bathroom, tv and a/c. The room also has a desk at your disposal. Let yourself be carried away by the fantastic view directly to the sea of Ericeira. Quarto Duplo Standard This room has all the amenities needed to spend a night as a couple, with a double bed, private bathroom, bathroom and air conditioning, you can enjoy the space in the best way and with all the necessary comforts. Quarto Duplo Economico A very spacious room where you can rest in a double bed, with all the necessary amenities, private bathroom, a/c and tv. With a view of the inner courtyard. Quarto Duplo Mar lateral With a favored view of the sea, this room gives you all the necessary comforts for a holiday or just one night. With a double bed, bathroom, tv and a/c, you can rest and renew your energies. Quarto Duplo Mar frontal Come and enjoy a few moments of leisure in this room with a unique view of the sea of Ericeira, here you can relax and let yourself be enveloped by the unique atmosphere of this room with a/c, tv, private bathroom and double bed. Quarto Duplo Premium A room with a distinct view of the sea and the center of Ericeira, in this premium typology you will have access to the best that Wot Ericeira has to offer you, whether for a commemorative moment or just a good nights sleep, this room will make every moment special.( I dont know if its worth saying that it has – tv/ wc/ a/c and more)

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